Aug 25

Help More Families Thrive This Fall. Here's How

by Tinkergarten

Dear Community,

For those of you who’ve been with us for a while, you know we’ve long been on a mission to get more families learning outdoors together. We’ve spent years expanding our in-person classes to all 50 states and piloting programs with schools and early care centers. Along the way, we’ve also provided support wherever we could to families who’ve reached out to us for the help they needed to come to Tinkergarten.

This season, more families need support than ever. The good news is that with a virtual offering like our Online Circle Time, we truly can reach anyone, anywhere. So, our community is stepping up to do even more to make sure even more families can learn with us. 

Today, Wednesday, August 26th, we launch a new One-for-One referral program. Each time someone refers a friend and that friend enrolls in Online Circle Time, Tinkergarten will grant a free spot in an Online Circle Time class to a family who has applied for a grant. 


To make this new program realize its full impact, we need everyone’s help! Here’s how you can be a part of this important mission:

Invite Friends to Tinkergarten!

We need friends to tell friends about Tinkergarten! Tinkergarten has always been a place where lasting friendships blossom—friendships between children, grown ups and whole communities. Now, Tinkergarten is also a place where friends and family from anywhere around the country can join together and share in the joy and power of outdoor play. 

Just go to to invite friends to join in! Every friend who enrolls via your link will unlock another free spot for a family who has applied!

Want Support or Know Someone Who Would? Apply for a Grant!

If you would like to apply for the support of a One-for-One grant, or you know families who would benefit from this support, please complete or share our quick application at We want to help as many families as we can!

Starting on September 2, 2020, we will award families with grants on a first-come-first served basis. If you are awarded a grant, you will hear from us by at the email address you include in your application. 

Thank You!

So far, we have been able to set aside 500 grant spots, and we cannot wait to share them with families who apply. We’ll also keep working hard to grow this One-for-One program and find more ways to help every family benefit from Tinkergarten. Thank you all for helping us in any way you can to reach more families, especially in this most incredible time!


Brian and Meghan Fitzgerald, Founders


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Tinkergarten Learning

Get kids playing, learning and thriving outside!