Jul 22

Want Kids to Play All Day? Try These Easy Play Projects

by Meghan Fitzgerald

Play is important for all kids, especially when it’s child-led, meaning the actions, discoveries and inventions feel like a child's own.

There’s even a whole range of types of play, including free, independent play where kids make up the rules and play guided by us adults. 

The good news? 

We don't have to entertain our children all the time. The quality of the time we spend as play partners matters far more than the quantity. And, kids need loads of independent play time. 

Often, though, getting kids to play independently is easier said than done. Enter: play projects.

A play project revolves around a real-world theme: In summer 2021 at Tinkergarten, for example, we'll transform our homes and outdoor classrooms into "campsites" as part of our camping play project. Leaders will help children and adults work together to add objects, adapt the setting and invent new ways to play in response to our "camping" theme.

This concept of project play is not new. "The Project Approach" is an established way of teaching in which teachers guide students through in-depth studies of real-world topics. Children's museums also offer immersive experiences that invite pretend play around themes like the supermarket, the hospital, or the construction site. 

It is easy to set up play projects in your own space. To get started, think of play projects in two phases: setting up the environment and negotiating the play.

Phase 1: Setting up the project

The play environment is both the physical setting along with the objects, materials, themes and ideas. You don't need to create a museum-level immersive play experience. In fact, kids learn much more when you start simple and co-create the experience bit by bit, over time.


In another summer Tinkergarten theme, kids will immerse themselves in all things outer space for our Space Camp week. Outer space is captivating for kids and adults alike, making it a perfect play project to stoke the imagination and get kids hooked on science. 

Here’s how to kick off an outer space play project at home: 

  • Gather up a few household objects, such as a bed sheet and cardboard boxes.
  • Head outdoors (an ideal setting for learning).
  • Look up at the sky and wonder aloud, "What do you think it would be like to go to outer space? Do you think we could use these materials to pretend that we are going on a trip to the moon/another planet?” Wonder together how you would get there. What would you need to pack? What would you see and do when you arrived? 
  • If kids hear this invitation and run with it, let the play roll and join in alongside, following their lead. If kids lull or shift interest, all is not lost—if the project is "sticky" they'll come back to it.

Phase 2: Negotiating the play

Once a project takes hold, collaborate with kids to play and develop the environment over time.

Educators in the Project Approach think of this as "negotiating the curriculum." It’s like a game of catch. We toss out a new material, idea or question. Then, we let kids decide how they want to respond. As we play, we can volley back and forth, always following their lead. This give-and-take approach gives us a supportive way to enrich play but also keeps kids in charge. This back-and-forth also helps us and our kids develop responsive relationships.

What does negotiating the play look like?

Here’s how the back-and-forth could work for outer space project play:

  • Wonder and make: Talk to kids about what else you could make for your trip to outer space. Then, work together to use open-ended objects (e.g., nature objects, recyclables, blocks, paper, cloth, tape, twine, etc.) to create new props. Cardboard boxes can become rocketships or rovers. Nature objects, recycled containers and small objects like buttons or bottle tops can become buttons and dials on their space vehicle. Rocks and mud can be arranged to create a landing spot on the moon. Chalk, paint or shaving cream can transform a draped bed sheet into a starry night sky. 
  • Read and learn about space: Visit the library and wonder if there are books about outer space to read. One of our favorites is My Rainy Day Rocketship by Markette Sheppard. Read books together to learn the stories of constellations throughout history and across cultures. The Mars Perseverance Rover Interactive site has photos and video taken on Mars as well as a 3D view of the rover and rocket from the 2020 mission. 
  • Discover the night sky: Take kids on a nighttime walk to behold the moon and stars. If a nighttime walk interferes with your child’s bedtime, look at constellations on apps like SkyView, Star Tracker and Star Walk
  • Plant an open-ended material: Place a few simple objects, like a magnifying glass, paintbrush or bucket into the play area and see what kids do with it—maybe they become tools for excavating and collecting space rocks and other interesting specimens. 

As the project persists, kids will iterate and invent with and without you. When young kids  repeat play within the same theme, important neural connections are strengthened

No matter how you begin, remember, it should start simple and grow just as you and your kids feel is right. There are no right answers—this is play, after all. The process of wondering, inventing, pretending, and wondering some more drives the learning. Sharing in this process together connects us to our kids and helps kids learn how to create their own play projects, making their independent play forever more rich and engaging.

For your first project:

  1. Pick a Project: What do your kids find most exciting or interesting? Is it dinosaurs? Unicorns? Art? Cats? Superheroes? If you're not sure that your child has a particular interest yet, try out one of the favorite themes below.
  2. Set it up: What environment would inspire play that revolves around that theme? Is there a home, ship, or other space in which this play could unfold? How could you mark off a corner of the yard, park or living room that could be that space? What first few things do you need to get started? Keep it simple with plenty of room to add and invent.
  3. Add a few props: What ordinary objects could become props in the play? Sticks, dirt, mud, etc.? Could boxes or recycled objects become helpful props with a little imagination, duct tape or string? What about sheets or blankets? Having objects ready can help you to wonder with kids about what you'd need to play cooking, unicorns or space.
  4. Wonder: Talk together about what you could wear, build or make. Wonder together about what these characters have, do, and need.
  5. Play: Start to become the characters or people at the center of your project. So much pretending (and empathy) can come from this. Unicorns have horns, need to eat, have a safe place to sleep and hang out with all kinds of magical creatures.
  6. Read and get more ideas: Read a book about unicorns, and you have gobs of material to bring into your project.
  7. Let it roll: Keep the project up and running, even if your child's interest ebbs and flows. Then, when it's clear they've moved on, break down the show, and try a new project.

Sample play project topics kids love:

  • Cooking play (water, mud, nature treasures, spices)
  • Cats or dogs (or any animal)
  • Bird's nest
  • Deep forest
  • Imaginary creatures (unicorns, fairies, ninjas)
  • Pirate ship
  • Treasure hunt (maps, buried treasure)
  • Bakery shop/restaurant
  • Farming
  • Construction site
  • Art studio
  • Rivers and waterways

Hooked and want to read more?


Meghan Fitzgerald


After 20+ years as an educator, curriculum developer and school leader, I have my dream gig—an entrepreneur/educator/mom who helps families everywhere, including my own, learn outside. Prior to Tinkergarten®, I worked as an Elementary School Principal, a Math/Science Specialist & and a teacher in public and private schools in NY, MA and CA. I earned a BA with majors in English and Developmental Psychology at Amherst College, an MS in Educational Leadership at Bank Street College, and was trained to become a Forest School leader at Bridgwater College, UK. My worldview is formed in response to my environment, culture, family, identity and experiences. What I write in this blog will inevitably betray the blind spots I have as a result—we all have them! Please reach out if there are other perspectives or world views I could consider in anything I write about. I welcome the chance to learn and update any pieces to broaden our shared perspective!

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