Play Like Lions
Age: 0 to 8+
Time: Under 1 hour
Materials: nature treasures, paper plate, glue
- Skills: Focus & Self Control, Imagination, Gross Motor
Mind and body are closely connected, and we can help kids learn to use movement as a tool to feel calm and focused. In this activity, inspired by this week’s featured creature, kids move and communicate like fierce and powerful lions!
The Guide
- Learn about lions: Watch a video about the African lion from National Geographic kids to learn more about these amazing creatures.
- Move and communicate like lions:
- Stalk and pounce: Invite your child to pick a spot or object outside to focus their eyes on as they pretend to stalk (moving slowly on all fours) through the grass. Kids can alternate between stalking and pouncing, too!
- Groom: Like housecats, lions spend a lot of time licking their fur to keep clean. Lion tongues have small hooks called papillae that act like a comb when they glide across their fur. Kids can pretend to lick their “paws” and rub their paws over their mane to keep clean.
- Greet lion friends: Lions rub heads as a way of greeting each other and spreading the family scent. Family members can greet each other like lions by gently nuzzling heads together.
- Roar: The lion’s roar is the loudest of all the big cats and can be heard 5 miles away! Practice your roars together and see how far your roars can travel.
- Lion-inspired mindful movement: Try out lion pose together to release tension and help kids feel feel more focused and in control of body and emotions. See a how-to video of lion pose here.
- Make a lion’s mane: Offer kids recycled materials, art materials and/or nature objects and invite them to create their own lion's mane to spark imaginative play. To make a mane out of a paper plate, cut out the center of the plate and invite kids to glue construction paper, collage scraps or colorful fall leaves along the outside. Attach a stick to turn your mane into a puppet.